Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What happened to the Mama?

Well, that's a great question! Truth be told, I have been here, quietly lurking around. The reason why I haven't posted anything in quite a while, is quite frankly, I lost motivation. You see, my blog was a place where I could write if and when I felt like it, but suddenly I had people telling me what to write. I would frequently hear, "You should write about this..." or "That was funny you should blog about it...". I guess my teenage rebel side kicked out, and refused to do what I was told. So, I did what any moody self indulgent person would have done... I QUIT!
It took me quite some time to actually realize, that I loved having a place to put down my thoughts, feelings, and whatever I wanted. I came to the conclusion, that I needed to pull myself up out of my teenage pitty party and start again. So, here we go again. I hope that I still have some readers left, but if not, I can always find more. I hope that if you are one of my readers who has stuck with me during my absence, that you will keep on with me as I try a few new things!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're back Amanda. Or are you really back? This one was dated in October and now it's December. You still have one fan! I missed reading your thoughts. Kris
