Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sometime we just need to cry...

So I broke one a few cardinal rules of parenting today. First off I waited too long to feed the Princess lunch, since I wanted to go pick up take out at my favorite burger joint. Secondly, I took a tired toddler in a car and wanted her to stay awake. Needless to say, drama ensued. As we were waiting for our order, Princess insisted in being let out of her car seat. I being the safety minded mama I am, refused, because…well it’s a pain to get her back into her car seat after she has been set free. Being the ever ready drama princess she is, princess launched into a full fledged toddler melt down, including screaming, crying, flailing her arms…well you get the picture. (you should know that the poor people at the drive in, noticed the melt down and thankfully got our order out a bit quicker than normal!) She continued to melt down all the way home and just when I thought the end was in sight, when we got home, I put her into her chair for lunch…and *gasp* forgot to turn off the ceiling fan… Princess launched into a fresh melt down complete with streams of tears running down her cheeks.

“Its ok princess,” I said, “There’s no need to cry about it, look, I will just shut the fan off.” She then looked at me with a tear stained face, and said in a sad little 3 year old voice,

“Mommy, I just need to cry.” It was then that I realized that just like her over emotional mom, she to just needs to cry it out sometimes.

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