Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shock & Horror!

Have you ever had one of those days where you question every bit of confidence you have in being able to control your kids? I unfortunately had on of those a few days ago. While getting Princess ready to head out to run some errands, she was standing on the table (which is her safe zone from Furball) getting her shoes and coat on, when she said, "Mommy Look!" When I turned around, imagine my shock and horror when I saw this! **Disclaimer this is not for the weak of heart, weak of stomach or those easily offended.**

Yep that's right, she was flipping my the good ole' bird. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, then the humor of the situation took over. And of course I grabbed my camera, hey I have to have pictures to embarrass her in the future. I still find the whole situation humorous, however, now I am wondering where she learned that from! I know that she probably didn't know what she was doing, but my brain is still reeling trying to figure out if I have ever done that in her presence, or if I can somehow blame hubby for this one... I am pretty sure this was not covered in "What to expect during the Toddler Years."

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