Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh, how our lives have changed!

A few nights ago as Princess was preparing for her nightly bath, she got it in her little head that instead of taking a bath, a full, house wide streaking session was in order. As she was running through the house, fully in the buff, she was screaming, "I'm going to the beach!" Going to the beach?! Where in the crap does she come up with this stuff! I mean, we are pretty laid back parents but I can guarantee that hubby and I don't let her watch the nude beach channel on the satellite. So, as I was chasing her around the house, trying my best to keep a straight face, I began to reflect on how our lives have changed since Princess has learned 2 vital things...walking and talking.
When she was an infant, I never imagined that I would walk around work singing *clears throat* "3 Lights shine bright, all day, all night." (a favorite little people song that the princess loves) I never imagined that I would have to try and rationalize with her that she shouldn't put her hands in her diaper to see what is there! I never thought that I could be so embarrassed, when upon seeing a homeless guy begging in front of the store, when she screamed, "Mama!! Look its Santa" mind you it was in April not December. Never had I imagined knowing that when she is screaming, "A Clue, a clue!!!" at her father, that this means that she does not want to wear the pink pajamas, but rather the ones with paw prints on them. (just like Blue's Clues)
*Sigh* Oh, how our lives have changed. Would I go back..Naaaa, because really the true fun of parenting is not knowing what is going to pop out of that little mouth at any given time. Now, if you'll excuse me I have a naked toddler to catch...

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