Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Fever

Spring fever has officially hit my house! My tulips are starting the grow, the grass is starting to turn green again, and my toddler has a major case of spring fever. I don't know what has happened to her over the last week, but I think she has turned into a bonafied monster. Like today, we made a trip to the local grocery store. The kind little greeter lady gave us an ad for their Easter Sale. I didn't think much of it, and tossed it into the cart. My lovely toddler ignored it until I was strapping her into her car seat to go home. At which point she insisted that I needed to get the paper with the bunny. Unfortunately for me, I had thrown it away when we passed the trash. That is when the toddler monster reared her ugly head. For the 10 minute car ride home, and for the next 45 minutes, it was an all out temper tantrum, complete with flailing arms, kicking feet and screaming so hard it sounds like she might make herself vomit. Good thing for me I had my video camera ready, now when dear hubby asks, "How was your day?" I have video proof of the monster that I had to deal with. To make matters worse, I had to run last night at POST! I did alright for the first mile, then those ugly, nasty shin splints reared their ugly head. least I tried...right....

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