Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Round is a body shape...Right?!

As I mentioned the other day, I am currently in the Police Academy. I am not sure exactly why I am doing this, but hey when I started I figured it couldn't be too hard...right?! WRONG!! I am getting my butt handed to me on a nice little silver platter. I can do the mental stuff, but ahhh crap! Running! I didn't think Police officers ran anymore, I mean, isn't that why they give you nice little toys like, I don't know... TAZERS, GUNS, & POLICE CARS!!! Well apparently the powers that be, still think you need to run you patootee off. I unfortunately am not any type of runner. Let me tell you that I am not a big girl, but unless round is now classified as a body shape, I am out of shape. So, here I am 3 months into training, and I have been struggling with my run. I mean, quite frankly, I hate it. I don't want to do it in my free time, and, oh yea, no one ever told me about shin splints. I got myself a nice case of those a few weeks ago. It felt like someone took a hacksaw to my shins and started sawing. So, last night, as our director advised us that we have a physical training test in 2 weeks, my stomach took a nose dive into the toe of my nicely polished boots. I mean, crap, now what am I going to do? Looks like the treadmill at the gym is my afternoon date today.

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